Friday, March 19, 2010

Lesson Structure

Length of Lesson:
1 week (4 inside the classroom)

Materials of Lesson:
Materials for creating sets, fabrics for costumes, markers, paint, class set of Don Quixote, computers, recording devices, and any other device students need to produce video onto YouTube.

1. Introduce the activity, students will work in small groups and create a script and a video of a scene from the novel Don Quixote. They will be required to post the video onto YouTube and the class will watch the videos together at the end of the lesson. Emphasize that the students will be following Cervantes' story, but they should be as creative as they can.
2. Students will be informed that they need to incorporate aspects of classic Mexican myths into their scenes.
3. Go over with the class important elements of a dramatic scene (video).
4. On the second day of the lesson, as the students work in groups over the next few days inside and outside of the classroom, model a dramatic scene from the novel with the class as a whole.
5. The students will need to do at least one draft of the script that they will write for their video. They will be responsible for incorporating proper aspects of drama and correct spelling.
6. On the fourth day of the lesson have students bring in the script, have them read the script in front of the other groups, and allow the other members of the class to give the presenting groups constructive feedback. Ensure that the students follow the conventions of a dramatic scene.
7. After the students have completed filming their video they will be required to upload it onto YouTube. This should have been a mini-lesson before the start of the film project. If students need coaching take time on the third or fourth day of instruction and go over the process.
8. On the last day of the lesson the class will watch the all the videos from YouTube from the projector. Assess students on their performance to see if learning objectives were met.

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