Friday, March 19, 2010

Table of Contents for Final Project

Title of Lesson: Don Quixote Film Project

1. Content Standards
2. Content Instruction
3. Lesson Struture
4. Rubric/ Assessment of Student Performance
5. Technology
6. Survey


The students will use technology as follows:
  • use a recording device to record their dramatic scene into a film
  • upload their video onto YouTube
  • they will communicate the results of the project through the videos viewed at the end of the lesson
  • the technology enhances the project by allowing the students to access their peer's videos at any time with Internet access

Rubric/ Assessment of Student Performace

The students will be assessed on whether they had created a video and uploaded it onto YouTube. They will be assessed on how they write their own script incorporating proper aspects of drama correct spelling and grammar, and dialogue with two or more character. They will be docked if they do not have an aspect of Mexican American myths in their video.


The students will be assessed on the following six items:

1. Created Video
2. Uploaded Video onto YouTube
3. Incorporated Aspects of Drama
4. Use of Correct Spelling and Drama
5. Dialogue Between Two Characters
6. Use of Mexican American Cultures

They will be assessed on a scale of met/ not met basis. They will be given a total possible score of 6.

Lesson Structure

Length of Lesson:
1 week (4 inside the classroom)

Materials of Lesson:
Materials for creating sets, fabrics for costumes, markers, paint, class set of Don Quixote, computers, recording devices, and any other device students need to produce video onto YouTube.

1. Introduce the activity, students will work in small groups and create a script and a video of a scene from the novel Don Quixote. They will be required to post the video onto YouTube and the class will watch the videos together at the end of the lesson. Emphasize that the students will be following Cervantes' story, but they should be as creative as they can.
2. Students will be informed that they need to incorporate aspects of classic Mexican myths into their scenes.
3. Go over with the class important elements of a dramatic scene (video).
4. On the second day of the lesson, as the students work in groups over the next few days inside and outside of the classroom, model a dramatic scene from the novel with the class as a whole.
5. The students will need to do at least one draft of the script that they will write for their video. They will be responsible for incorporating proper aspects of drama and correct spelling.
6. On the fourth day of the lesson have students bring in the script, have them read the script in front of the other groups, and allow the other members of the class to give the presenting groups constructive feedback. Ensure that the students follow the conventions of a dramatic scene.
7. After the students have completed filming their video they will be required to upload it onto YouTube. This should have been a mini-lesson before the start of the film project. If students need coaching take time on the third or fourth day of instruction and go over the process.
8. On the last day of the lesson the class will watch the all the videos from YouTube from the projector. Assess students on their performance to see if learning objectives were met.

Content Instructions

The objectives of the lesson are as follows:

1. Students will be able to create a video on YouTube of a scene from Don Quixote.
2. Students will be able to write a script of their own design using proper aspects of drama, correct spelling and grammar, and incorporating dialogue between two or more characters.
3. Students must incorporate aspects of classic Mexican myths into the scene that they chose from Don Quixote.
4. Students will learn classic stories like Don Quixote which will expose them to classic Latin literature.

Content Standards

The ISTES Standard that this lesson covers are as follows:
  • Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity - This project encourages students to think creatively by combining both technology and the novel Don Quixote into a YouTube video. The lesson aims to show that students are reflecting on the novel as they create the video and work together.

The California Curriculum Standards that this lesson covers are as follows:

  • Reading 9th and 10th Grade 3.2 - The students will see Don Quixote in two genres, written and visual form, the objective of the lesson is have the children understand that a written piece of fiction can be made into a video. They will be able to see the different interpretations that each of their class members have of the scene they pick.
  • Writing 9th and 10th Grade 1.9 - The students will be asked to write a script of their own after a scene from Don Quixote. They are going to be responsible to make any revisions to their script after they have mock presentation to the class and before they upload the video to YouTube.

Podcast Reflection

The podcast that I listened to was a presentation done by Sir Ken Robinson on the lack of creativity in schools in the twenty-first century on the TED website. Sir Robinson was very funny and really advocated for the use of creativity in the classroom and among students. What really stands out for me is his belief in allowing students to make mistakes which will in turn foster creativity in a student. His point was that students are basically being taught to the test (real surprise there). Having high stakes testing allows can be a good way of assessing students, but Sir Robinson feels that there is more to it than just teaching to the test. I agree with him, if students are taught to the test they are not learning skills that are necessary for making the student a whole person. I feel that it is the responsibility of the teacher to not only teach a student their subject, for me this is English, the teacher should also teach their students to think outside the box and to foster creativity in the classroom. Teachers should assess students in ways that foster creativity. Instead of the same old multiple choice test teachers should allow students to show their knowledge in different ways like a simple oral presentation with a power point or for the more creative have the students create a rap video with information relating to what was learned in class. I know I have digressed, but Sir Robinson was an amazing speaker and it is worth every minute to listen to him.

Favorite Subject Pie Chart

This is me taking four kids to Brazil and getting stuck on stage in a Brazillian amusement park!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010